Installation in the glassbox of Les Brasseurs gallery,
« To be sure, I will have shared nothing all that new with you. All the world knows about wine; everyone loves it too. When a true doctor-philosopher appears, which is as yet a thing unheard of, he will be able to carry out a grand study of wine, a sort of double-psychology where wine and man are its dual aims. He will explain how and why certain drinks contain the power to vastly magnify the personality of the thinking being, and of creating, so to speak, a third person: a mystical operation wherein the natural man and wine, the animal god and the plant god, play the role of the Father and Son in the Trinity; they beget a Holy Spirit, which is the superior man, who proceeds equally from both of them.(...) An old, anonymous writer once said: "Nothing rivals the joy of the drinker, except maybe the joy of the wine that we drink." In effect, wine plays an intimate role in the life of humanity, so intimate that I would not be surprised that, seduced by some pantheistic idea, rational thinkers should attribute a kind of personality to it. Wine and man resemble a pair of wrestling friends who are always fighting, and always reconciling. The winner always hugs the loser. There are wicked drunks; they are wicked by nature. The bad man becomes odious, while the good becomes excellent.»
Charles Baudelaire, Du Vin et du Haschisch, extrait, 1851
Translation by Kirk Watson, 2016
picture : Les Brasseurs Art Contemporain
He Drank Me